• General FAQ's

  • Where are your radios made?

    • We are an American company, located in Michigan! The parts are sourced from Asia, and all radios are programmed and shipped from Michigan.

  • When will my order ship?

    • Shipping takes just a few days. The programming service is a manual process. All the orders are shipped very fast via UPS!

  • What is your return policy?

  • Rapid Radios LTE Nationwide Radio FAQ's

  • Is there a monthly fee?

    • Absolutely NOT! There is no monthly fee or contracts ever! We are the only company in the USA to do this. Most of our competitors charge between $20-$20 a month plus have contracts.  We charge nothing monthly.  We have partnered with major data networks to provide us access to our infrastructure at an omnibus level - which allows us to make it so there is not monthly service fee for you - ever! 

      Because we're using cellular data, we do incur costs. We cover those costs by charging $50/year per radio after the first year (the first year is included). That's an entire year of cellular service for what most people pay per month for their cellphones, AND you're getting access to ALL of the network providers at that price (not just 1). If they are going to be used out of the country, it would be $100 instead of $50 per radio for international.

      There is absolutely no contracts, no subscriptions and no auto-billing of any kind.

  • What's included?

    • The radio, battery, charger, and belt clip. Sold as a set - so 2 of everything! Plus radio programming and service for an entire year!  For an extra year of service, this for $50 per radio (per year).

  • Can I talk from one state to another?

    • YES!  You can talk ALL over the country - with no delay or lag and no restrictions.

  • What's the range?

    • It's nationwide!! With no lag or delay - thousands of miles - crystal clear!

  • Is a license required?

    • NO - never!

  • How does it work?

    • We are the ONLY company in the USA to do this. Most of our competitors charge between $20-$30/mo per radio. We charge NOTHING! We have partnered with major data networks to provide us access to our infrastructure at an omnibus level - which allows us to make it so there is no monthly service fees for you - ever!  EVERY LTE network with total coverage and redundancy - not just 1 - so like a cell-phone on steroids... except it's a walkie-talkie. With no lag, no delay.  No programming.  NO Monthly fees ever. We also have a global option available

  • Is there international/global coverage?

    • Yes - you can use them outside of the USA - after you receive the units you would fill out a form and we can activate that for you. It is an addon for global support - email us for more info - info@rapidradios.com

  • Will this work in an area with no cellular coverage?

    • It will work better than a cell phone, that's for sure - we use ALL the carriers (not just 1, like a phone) plus it's a different technology than a phone call.. PLUS gets better signal - check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc9vN1yLCDs

  • Do you support earbuds/headsets?

    • Yes - you can connect earbuds, hand mics, and other accessories to the radio. It has a standard kenwood connection port (a dual port with mic/speaker). We also sell headsets/earbuds here with the PTT button: https://rapidradios.com/products/stealth-radio-headset-compatible-with-all-of-our-radios - it does not use bluetooth though, for privacy reasons.

  • Are they private?

    • These are secure, encrypted communications with AES and end to end encryption standards with 256-bit encryption. The government can't even listen in - and NO data is stored anywhere, as it streams the audio and is encrypted. Only people in your group can hear anything, or you can talk in a 1 on 1 setting as well, or a group - either one. It's not public communications. They are not trackable and nothing is recorded or stored. We also have headsets, for privacy as well so no one else can hear your communications. Lastly, you can NOT be tracked with this device. We have IoT sim cards with ALL the major carriers which are 100% anonymous and not linked to you in any way. They are totally private - and encrypted too.

  • How is this different than a cell phone?

    • This is much different than a cell phone. And will work in MANY situations where phones will not. 1). Unlike cell phones, it's not a public communication. The government CANNOT listen in. These provide secure, encrypted communications with AES and end to end encryption standards. Only people in your group can hear anything, or you can talk in a 1 on 1 setting.
      2). Instant "push to talk" technology.
      3). Unlike cell phones, when calling is bogged down due to a disaster (i.e. 9/11) when all you get are busy signals, these radios will STILL WORK. It's a totally different technology.
      4). Unlike cell phones, NO monthly fees.
      5). Unlike cell phones, we utilize EVERY cell carrier (not just one). So if one carrier does not have coverage, it goes to a different one. Allowing you coverage on EVERY carrier, not just 1.
      6). Global coverage is available as well.

  • How do the groups work?

    • you can have private talk groups, 1 on 1, and we can add users at any time for you to your group or to talk 1 on 1. It's 100% private though - you can only speak with those who you allow. Otherwise it's private and encrypted. You can have as many groups and people on there as you want - at any time. We do not use PUBLIC channels. Everything is private. And the groups can be of any size.

  • Is there a warranty?

    • We are located in West Michigan. The radios come with a 12 month parts warranty backed by our small business, and we offer customer service 7 days a week.

  • Will it work on cruise ships?

    • This depends on the cruise ship but YES, in most cases. Most major cruise lines offer LTE repeaters - as long as they have one, it will work.